Thursday, October 31, 2019

Research Proposal Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Research Proposal Example In the wake of these corporate failures, basic principles and rules are being reviewed and strengthened in order to reinstall investor confidence. At the heart of these corporate governance reforms is the common interest in the effectiveness of boards of directors. Corporate governance codes, experts and activists have long advocated changes in the board structure. As a result of the successful implementation of corporate practice codes in the private sector corporations, the government has decided to implement the system in public/civil departments and government offices. The public offices are supposed to benefit the people who pay tax to the government on various assets and income earned by them. The government departments should exhibit transparency, and accountability to the various stakeholders including general public. These departments have a key role in a society where people's money is handled by government departments when they left with excess income allowed by tax author ity. In this context, the present study s an attempt to examine the impact of corporate government practices implemented by revenue commission in the UK on the customers'/ tax payers' satisfaction. Corporate governance is a conscious and sustained effort on the part of a corporate entity to strike a judicious balance between its own interest and that of its stakeholders. It is the relationship among various participants in determining the direction and performance of corporations. It is not merely enacting legislation; but instilling an environment of trust and confidence as ethical business behavior and fairness cannot be legislated. It aims at minimizing the chances of corruption, malpractices, financial frauds, and misconduct of management. It provides various codes and regulations to establish effective governance system and to monitor the performance of corporations in the context of transparency, advocacy, accountability and social contribution to the society. Governance is not just a pious platitude. It is the accumulated outcome of inspiration, influence, wisdom, guidance and control, which keeps a body or an organization not only moving but also moving on the right tr ack and at the right speed. It is inherent in the very nature of cosmic as well as human systems. However, corporate governance is essentially a state of mind and a set of principles based on relationships. It can work only if the people entrusted with these responsibilities believe in and are committed to the principles that underline effective corporate governance, which in ultimate analysis, is a way of life and not a mere compliance with a set of rules. Ideals of corporate governance primarily need transparency, full disclosure, fairness to all stakeholders and effective monitoring of the state of corporate affairs. It is, thus, concerned with values, vision, and visibility. Sound corporate governance practices lead to greater management accountability, credibility, and enhanced public confidence. Statement of the Problem With the corporate scandals in the early 2000, corporations across the world are under pressure to convince and ensure that the various stakeholders are happy with the system of corporate governance. Many new standards/policies of Corporate Governance (CG) and changes in accounting and reporting

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Dystopian Fiction Essay Example for Free

Dystopian Fiction Essay Dystopian fiction is a world where everything is misery and is under strict order by the government and the people have no control and rights in the world they live in. The general reason why authors write dystopian fiction based books is to have criticism on society today or give warnings on the possibility of what could happen to our world and the devastating effects that can happen if we were to have a dystopian world. 1984 is set in a totalitarian society and this book gives us a message that too much government is a bad thing people should be able to have the right and should not be influenced under a totalitarian society. Harrison Bergeron is set in a world where everyone is equal and are handicapped to make sure everyone is equal and nobody can be different the book makes criticism of social engineering allowing stupidity. The calorie man is set in New Orleans and a smuggler Lalji as he tries to bring back fertility in crops and stop genetic manufacturing of food sources and crop and stop the business making the profit. All of these book of us strong warnings of the possibility’s that our world could sir come to, if we don’t treat things with serious care the some mistakes made in the past could be made in the future, and that the world should not be shaped to only be benefited by a single man or company This book is all a totalitarian society. The author of the book is George Orwell, published in 1949, which back then made this books time zone was about the future. This is a story were the world is all controlled by 1 party. This party sets a lot of demands that the society has to follow day by day or they will be punished. The whole society is being watched through electrical devises, whom some are not aware of where they are located. In this story, there is a guy named Winston who is a part of the party whom is making all the rules and restriction for the society to follow. All of a sudden Winston does not want to be a part of the party and starts to give warning to people that there is too much government control and starts to warn people about the danger of living in a totalitarian society. The warnings from this story talk about how the government in the real world are in control of all of us and the fear is that one day they will take privilege of the power and start to make strict restriction just like how the party did in the book. In the book Harrison Bergeron tells a completely different version to 1984 instead of a world of a totalitarianism society it  is in a world where they make everyone equal and compared to the normal world where if you are different to the normal way we live you are silenced, but everyone is given handicaps in order to be equal. His parents one who is handicapped because of his intelligence are watching and he is on TV trying to inspire a revolution against handicapping the gifted, he is then latter shot on TV but his parents are to handicapped to of noticed what had happened. Anyone who has. This has warnings of socials engineering, society being dumbed down in order to be equal and warning about being difference being seen as a bad thing. The calorie man is set in the future were resources have dried up and scientist a genetically making food in the New Orleans, The author Paolo Bicigalupi and warns us of the effects that can happen of corporations having control over food sources and genetic engineering and the corporate control This book offers us warnings against failing to act on climate change, the risk of corporations dominating public life, and the risks of using genetic engineering to solve food problems, the possibility of terminator seeds becoming a reality. That could happen, He wants to give us a warning of intrusting too much to science and not doing anything to save and fix the environmental issues we face today. Story is about Lalji a smuggler who agrees to take a job ferrying a geneticist out of the calorie company’s lands and bringing him to New Orleans. It’s discovered that he has the ability to reintroduce fertility into crops again to break the control of the calorie companies. The purpose of dystopian fiction is to give us warnings and tell us the possibility’s to what could happen under a totalitarian society and it tells us that we should have our own rights and everybody should be equal, The point of 1984 was to tell us the consequences of what happens in a dystopian world and under totalitarian society and government.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Bridget Jones Diary Analysis

Bridget Jones Diary Analysis Bridget Jones is a single woman who tries to find herself a nice man, because she doesnt want to stay single for the rest of her life. Write a summary in your own words of about 400-600 words. The story is about Bridget Jones. The book describes a year of the live of Bridget Jones. Bridget is a woman around her thirties without a husband. Many times she has tried to loose weight and to quit smoking, but she never succeeds. She is still single but she tries to change that. Bridget is a quite common woman, only maybe a little bit clumsier. When Bridget and her parents go to a new years buffet from friends of her parents she meets Mark Darcey. Their parents introduced them but they dont like each other. One day her boss sends her a flirting email and they and up in bed with each other. Bridget is convinced that he is the one she is going to spend the rest of her life with. Meanwhile Bridgets mother has left her father and has a new boyfriend. And she has less contact with her boss. At another party she meets Mark again but they still dont like each other. Love Bridget is a woman around her thirties and she doesnt have a husband. Bridget works at a publishing house. She is afraid that shell stay single the rest of her life. She is a little bit overweight and obsessed about her weight, and she smokes a lot. Sometimes she does strange and embarrassing things. Describe two minor characters. Daniel Cleaver is Bridgets boss. Bridget has a little crush on him. He is a very charming man. Mark Darcey is a lawyer, his parents are rich people. Their mothers introduced them to each other, they want them to be a couple. At first she thinks hes just a dull bloke. But after a while she starts to like him. Describe the place(s) where the story is set in detail. When does the story take place? (How do you know? What is the length of time of the story? Is the story told chronologically? Does the author use flashbacks? Explain in detail!) The length of time of the story is one year. There arent any flashbacks in the in the book, so the story is told in chronological order The person who tells the story is Bridget because its her diary you are reading. The book is told from the point of view of Bridget. Its written in the I-perspective. The title of the book is: Bridget Jones diary. That is because youre reading her diary. You read everything she wrights down. Is the book just meant as a story or is the author trying to bring across a message? If so: why? If not: why not? Leesbeleving en evaluatie What is your opinion about the book? I really liked the book because it is really realistic. Bridget is really funny because she gets herself in really idiotic situations. The whole book is really funny to read, sometimes it even made me laugh out load. Would you recommend the book to your classmates? I would recommend the book, but its more a book for the girls. Because the can picture themselves as her. And its a funny book to read. I dont really think boys would like this book. Which part did you like best or was most important in the development of the story? Quote (citeer) a passage or sentence from the book which you found most impressive or touching. Saturday, April 25 9st 1oz (excellent); alcohol units: 4; cigarettes: 24 (entirely understandable). 8am: Gaah! Gaaaah! Doorbell!. 8.05am: Was Magdas builder, Gary. Forgot he was coming round to put shelves up. Ah! Super! Hello! Could you come back in 10 minutes. Im just in the middle of something, I trilled, then doubled up, cringing in nighty. What would I be in the middle of? Sex? Making a vase on a potters wheel which absolutely couldnt be left in case it dried funny? Still had wet hair when doorbell rang again. Felt surge of middle-class guilt as Gary smirked at decadence of those who loll idly in bed while a whole different world of genuine hardworking folk have been up for so long is practically time for their lunch. Would you care for some tea or coffee? I said graciously. Yeah. Cup of tea. Four sugars, but dont stir it. I looked at him for a moment, wondering if this was a joke or a bit like smoking cigarettes but not inhaling. Right, I said, right, and started making the tea, at which Gary sat down at kitchen table and lit up a fag.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Kant: Metaphysical Exposition of Space Essay -- Space Kant Philosophy

Kant: Metaphysical Exposition of Space Explain and asses what you think to be the best argument Kant gives as his â€Å"Metaphysical Exposition of Space† (B37-40) that space cannot be either and actual entity (Newtonian concept) or any independent relation among real things (Leibnizian concepti be on). In other words, is he successful in arguing that space must be (at least) a form of intuition? Do any of his arguments further show that space must be ONLY a form of intuition and not ALSO something Newtonian or Leibnizian? In his Metaphysical Exposition of Space, Kant attempts to show that the experience of space is just a form of intuition. Kant defines space as that of which we sense out side of us, in comparison to our mind, which is our inner sense. This outer sense of space, he claims, is known only to us because we have a intuitive sense of there being space in the first place. Kant asserts this argument in direct response to two other claims about the nature of space. The Newtonian concept of space holds that space is an entity existing in its own right, with objects merely being in it. The Leibnizian concept of space however holds the opposite, space doesn’t really exist and is just a relation created between existing objects. Kant believes both concepts are wrong and claims that to first know about objects in space, we must have some deeper knowledge of space to put them in space. He further tries to claim that space is only a form of intuition and not just the foundation to support eit her of the other two concepts. Kant presents some strong points showing the faults in the other concepts and provides a reason alternative to what makes the nature of space. However his concept too, that space is known only through intuition, also isn’t as strong as it should be. It appears that space may be known through intuition from an individual perspective, but on closer investigation, taking in all forms of life and evolution, where did this pre wired intuition of space have its start? Kant’s concept of space seems to be well grounded in some areas and not in others. Kant’s definition of space helps him prove that the concept of space is a form of intuition. Space, he holds, is everything that is sensed outside of us. The mind is the inner sense and everything else is in space. We then represent objects in that space, where they are interpreted as having s... ... our senses where telling us by putting them into the concept of space, why would we evolve senses at all? Surely we wouldn’t have eyes and ears ect. If we evolved not needing or using them. So does every animal that has the same sensors as us have the same intuition of space as we do? This idea seems to be begging the question ‘what came first the intuition of space, or the senses and the ability to perceive it? For one seems to be seems to be surely useless with out the other. Kant’s concept seems to work if we just look at a snap shot of the world functioning today, however it does not satisfy how the world got to be the way it is. Perhaps this is not goal he was wanting to achieve, but for his concept to hold these questions of evolution need to be answered. Kant’s claims show the faults in past concepts, however his concepts is not total solid yet either. Kant resolves some issues, but then raises some more. It seems now that we can’t take for granted what we all assume that we learn about space through experience, and it seems too that space exists in its own right. Kant seems to make this clear, he does not however clearly prove that space is known by intuition alone.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Easter Egg Packaging Research Essay

Please select only 1 response for each question by placing an X in the response you feel most comfortable with unless you are told to select more than 1 response. (1) What is your gender? Male Female (2) What age range do you fit in? Age range is measured in years. 0-16 17-21 22-30 31-40 41-50 51-59 60-64 65+ (3) What is your ethnicity? Please choose the ethnic minority group you feel you best fit in and the ethnic minority groups are measured in the Self Defined Ethnicity (SDE) codes. A1 Indian A2 Pakistani A3 Bangladeshi A9 Any other Asian background B1 Caribbean B2 African B9 Any other Black background O1 Chinese O9 Any other ethnic group M1 White and Black Caribbean M2 White and Black African M3 White and Asian M9 Any other mixed background W1 British W2 Irish W9 Any other white background (4) Do you like Easter Eggs? Yes No (5) Do you shop for Easter Eggs? Yes No (6) What is your current occupation? (7) What is your current annual salary? Please state your current annual salary by using the British currency of pounds (i ). (8) How much are you most like to spend on your Easter Eggs? Please use the British currency of pounds (i ) for the spending of Easter eggs. i 0. 01 – i 2. 99 i 3. 00 – i 4. 99 i 5. 00 – i 6. 99 i 7. 00 + (9) Where are you most likely to shop for your Easter Eggs? If necessary, please select more than one option. Tesco Asda Sainsbury’s Morrison’s Netto Iceland Lidl Aldi Somerfield M&S John Lewis Waitrose Thornton’s WH Smith Other (Please specify below) (10) What Easter egg Company are you most likely to buy? If necessary, please select more than one option. Cadbury’s Nestle Kraft Masterfoods Lindt Other (Please Specify Below) (11) For your Easter egg, which chocolate do you most prefer? If necessary, please select more than one option. White Chocolate Dark Chocolate Milk Chocolate Other (Please Specify Below) (12) What do you like with your egg in the Easter egg box? If necessary, please select more than one option. Novelties Chocolate Bars Toys Sweets Other (Please Specify Below) (13) For your Easter Egg Box, which theme do you prefer? If necessary, please select more than one option. TV & Film Comedy Cartoon Anime Sports Gaming Action Adventure Music Modern Classical Retro Jesus & Old Other (Please Specify Below) What do you look for when buying an Easter Egg Box? If necessary, please select more than one option. Blue Pink Red Metallic Primary Colours Other (Please Specify Below) Small Medium Large What shape do you prefer for your Easter egg box? If necessary, please select more than one option. Cube Cuboid Spherical Pyramid Hemi-Spherical Cylinder Cone Other (Please Specify Below)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


BUY PAPERS Essay writing is essential part of any educational program. There are different types of essays that are being required to be written by the students. One of the mostly used essay types is observation essay. There are two options to go about this assignment. One is writing the paper and doing your best, the other option is to give this assignment to professional writer and buy papers online. Observation essay outline requires clear description, main facts presentation and general rules overview.    Observation essay outline concentrates on description and maid facts. Important aspect of observation essay is actually fundamental style of writing. Do a few sketches before you start composing your original observation essay. Ensure that you purely stick to the basic standard for essay writing. Try and create a special atmosphere to be present at the moment. Write at present tense. Display as many details as possible using senses of smell, light, touch, sound and taste. Employ your skill to develop parallels and include comparisons. BUY PAPERS Whether you are attending college or university, essay and term paper writing is definitely the most important part of any educational process. There are different types of papers which are being required and recommended to be written by the students. Among the mostly used and wide spread writing forms is observation essay. There can be two alternatives to go about this assignment. The first option is writing the paper on your own and doing all of your best. And the other option would be giving this assignment to professional writer, buy papers through secure essay writing online system. Observation essay outline demands clear and simply clear description. The main facts representation and general rules overview must be written as well. Observation essay outline concentrates on written description and main facts. Important aspect of observation essay is actually the fundamental style of writing. Perform a few sketches before you start composing your actual observation essay writing. Make sure that you strictly stick to the basic standard for observation essay writing format. BUY PAPERS Another important type of writing that you probably know about is junior research paper. Being a type of academic writing, junior research paper gives description of the research results. If a student is interested in gaining experience in research competition, then a junior research paper is written. We have gathered a list of important and useful tips that are able to help you create a junior research paper today. If you need assistance with writing junior research paper, you can always consult our writers and buy papers online.   The cover page or the junior research paper shows research field and research title that are concise. Include a research thesis approval by the college or university board. Introduction will discuss the thesis statement, important parts of the research. You may also include several aspects of the research problem. Body paragraphs will include methods and procedures used while doing a research itself. Then present results or findings in logical manner. Also, use graphics and tables as a fact or an argument. Conclusion must not only show but interpret the presented materials. Restate the thesis statement or the hypothesis. Remind the findings and give full interpretation of the received results. Finish up with a cited literature including list of citations.